Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Shaklee to the Rescue!

I'm starting a new blog. And yes, I'm going to actually write in this one. No really. Don't believe it? Well then I'll have to just prove you wrong. These girls do so many amazing and wonderful things everyday, and I am horrified that I am not documenting these at least a few times a week! Plus I have a lot to say about what is all going on in my life at the moment.

So... here it is. The blog about us ladies.
Today was fairly uneventful. Ha! Way to start a blog :) Ever has taken a liking to her thumb... and has been sucking on it so much her skin is chapped on her hand, chin, and face. Niiiice. I'm not sure when she has time to suck on her thumb, being she is on my boob pretty much 24/7.

Yesterday, Teagan was a bit tired from daylight savings, and so proceeded to beat the crap out of herself all day. Tired= insanely klutzy + only half the brain functioning which also =self-mutilation.
So after I told her 1,000,000,000,000 times not to play with the glasses I just put in a box to donate, she takes it out anyway and then of course drops it. On my kitchen floor. Which by the way is concrete covered in tile. So you can imagine my panic seeing as not only was Teagan surrounded in broken glass, but being I was in the same county, I was as well.

I firmly tell Teagan not to move, and with eyes as big as saucers, she looks at me and says in all seriousness, "What happened?".
Um.. I don't know Teags? It's possible an alien took over your body, broke the glass, and fled the scene giggling evilly. But somehow I doubt it, child.

Somehow, I maneuver Ever and myself close enough to Teagan to save her from the shards of death, but not before she takes that one step forward and gets glass in her toes. *sigh* Well, you can't say I didn't try.

So after removing the two tiny shards from her big and second toe, I put a band-aid on to her fierce shouts of "Don't TOUCH!"... followed by apologetic and hopeful cries of "I sowwy mom... S'all bed-der now?" To which of course I say "Do you want me to kiss it".. and of course she does. And of course it feels all "bed-der" after that.

And all this time, Ever just watches and smiles at Teagan... She has no clue what she is in for.

Later, Teagan is messing around on her chair. Apparently, being tired also = having ants in the pants. Except Teagan never wears pants. Anyway, she was wiggling around in her chair at the kitchen table, and every once in awhile would remember that she was eating and would take a sloppy bite of spaghetti. The next thing I know, she has fallen off the FRONT of her chair, cracking her eye on the table on the way down. Hard. Really hard. Like, I'm-crying-so-hard-I-can't-even-breathe hard.
And all I can do is hold her, poor baby! Of course, putting frozen strawberries on it was completely out of the question. Hell, I was lucky to even get a glimpse of the damage the way she was protecting that eye. Can't say I blame her.

After 10-15 minutes of wailing (hey I know it hurt.. but 10-15 minutes worth?) I resorted to bribery. With chapstick. Carmex to be exact. The crying ceased, and we went about our merry ways. After I knew things were cool, I distracted her and took the carmex away, putting it on the counter. We then headed upstairs where we played for awhile with her toys. Suddenly, Teagan was thirsty and told me she'd be "wight back.. stay-eere. I be wwwiiiight back," and headed downstairs for her water. After a bit she came back up, and headed into her room. I should have known something was up. Two year olds never play by themselves willingly... at least without announcing it to the world and getting praised for it!
Carmex... in her hair. Thick too. I'm pretty sure she squeezed the whole damn tube out. Ack. I hate the smell of Carmex. And I hate the look of greasy hair. So off to the tub we go.

After 4 shampooings, nothing. I actually thought it might be even worse. Eesh.
Today, I tried baking soda, a different shampoo, and dishsoap. Nothin'. Good lord what the hell is in that crap?
Finally, I break out the Shaklee. Tada! It comes out! Seriously, that stuff can kick anything. Well, maybe not toddler butt into napping when they are supposed to, but you get the point. At least now I know to go to the Shaklee straight away when the next time change/ sickness/ tooth/ random day of no sleep/ growth spurt/ etc/ etc/ etc. comes around!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, that is so funny and just like one of my typical days (you know, only funny when they are OVER!!) I spend my whole day trying to maintain the status quo, let alone actually getting anything done.
    When Sasha was about the same age i was in the shower when she walked in with one of my crystal platters. i tried to stay really calm and say, ooh how nice, give that to mama, ta... But in slow motion I saw it drop and shatter on the tile floor and her start to bawl at the result. I just knew she was going to run to me over it, so I had to make the split second decision to step over it myself. OUCH! but at least her feet managed to stay intact. Don't you just love the joys of parenthood!! :-)
